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Glossary A

A/B testing

  1. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)

A/B testing approach

  1. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)

Academic standards

Guidelines or benchmarks that define the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students should acquire at each grade level or in a specific subject area.

  1. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)


The responsibility for one’s actions or decisions, and the willingness to accept consequences for them.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)
  2. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)
  3. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)
  4. Qualitative vs Quantitative Objectives (Setting Outcomes)
  5. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)
  6. Individual vs Group Evaluation (Assessing Performance)
  7. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  8. What approaches should be taken for employee development and growth? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  9. How can effective leadership be achieved? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  10. Why is evaluation important in professional development goals setting and achieving success? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  11. Top-down vs Bottom-up Evaluation (Organizational Approach)
  12. How can self-evaluations help with professional development goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  13. What is the self-evaluation definition, and what areas should be identified for improvement when creating a plan of action? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)
  14. How does one evaluate their own self-esteem in order to achieve success professionally? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  15. Objective vs Subjective Evaluation (Bias in Training)
  16. 360-degree Feedback vs Self-evaluation (Sources of Input)
  17. What training methods are best for professional development goals? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  18. Knowledge vs Skill Training Objectives (Setting Goals)
  19. How can I set professional goals for my own development? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  20. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  21. Formal vs Informal Training Evaluation (Choosing Approach)
  22. How does Fiedler’s Cognitive Resource Theory relate to professional development goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  23. What are the objectives of training evaluation to advance one’s career strategies? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  24. Training Transfer vs Training Retention (Achieving Outcomes)

Accountability framework

  1. Top-down vs Bottom-up Evaluation (Organizational Approach)

Accountability measures

Establishing clear accountability measures for pursuing professional development goals.

  1. Training Needs: Current vs Future (Strategic Evaluation)
  2. Why is evaluation important in professional development goals setting and achieving success? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  3. What are core self-evaluations, and what strategies should be used for career advancement? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Accountability measures for individuals and teams

Establishing clear accountability measures for individuals and teams in pursuing professional development goals.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Accountability mechanisms

  1. Top-down vs Bottom-up Evaluation (Organizational Approach)


The process of evaluating and certifying that an educational institution or program meets certain standards and requirements.

  1. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)


The degree to which data or information is correct or precise.

  1. 360-degree Feedback vs Self-evaluation (Sources of Input)
  2. Criterion-referenced vs Norm-referenced Evaluation (Assessment Types)
  3. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  4. Evaluation Design: Experimental vs Non-experimental (Research Methods)
  5. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)
  6. Baseline vs Follow-up Evaluation (Measurement Timing)
  7. Custom vs Standard Evaluation Forms (Choosing Tools)
  8. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)
  9. Individual vs Group Evaluation (Assessing Performance)
  10. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)
  11. Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Evaluation Metrics (Capturing Value)
  12. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)
  13. What technology-based training methods are available? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  14. Objective vs Subjective Evaluation (Bias in Training)
  15. Qualitative vs Quantitative Objectives (Setting Outcomes)
  16. Training Evaluation: Pre-test vs Post-test (Assessment Methods)

Accuracy and reliability

Ensuring that professional development efforts are conducted with accuracy and reliability.

  1. Custom vs Standard Evaluation Forms (Choosing Tools)
  2. Self-assessment vs External Evaluation (Validity in Training)

Accuracy measures

Standards or criteria used to evaluate the accuracy and correctness of an individual’s work or performance.

  1. Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Evaluation Metrics (Capturing Value)


The likelihood that professional development goals can be achieved.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Achievable targets

Realistic and attainable goals that can be reached with effort and dedication.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)
  2. Why is it important to set training objectives when striving for success professionally? (5 Main Questions Answered)

Achieved results

The outcomes or accomplishments that have been achieved through a program or organization’s efforts.

  1. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)


The level of success or accomplishment in reaching a specific goal or objective.

  1. Criterion-referenced vs Norm-referenced Evaluation (Assessment Types)
  2. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)
  3. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)
  4. What approaches should be taken for employee development and growth? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  5. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)
  6. What role does cognitive resource theory play in setting and achieving professional goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  7. How can core evaluation help in setting and achieving professional success? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)
  8. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  9. Pre-training vs Post-training Assessments (Timing Importance)
  10. How do I self-evaluate my job performance in order to achieve success? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  11. Qualitative vs Quantitative Objectives (Setting Outcomes)
  12. What training methods are best for professional development goals? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  13. Individual vs Group Evaluation (Assessing Performance)
  14. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)
  15. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  16. What are the objectives of training evaluation to advance one’s career strategies? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  17. What are the objectives of a training program and what is their purpose? (5 Main Questions Answered)

Achieving goals

Successfully reaching professional development goals.

  1. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)
  2. How can I set professional goals for my own development? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  3. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  4. Individual vs Group Evaluation (Assessing Performance)
  5. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Actionable insights

Insights or information that can be used to inform decision-making or take action to improve performance or outcomes.

  1. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  2. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)

Actionable steps

Specific and measurable steps that can be taken to achieve professional development goals.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)
  2. What are core self-evaluations, and what strategies should be used for career advancement? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Action-oriented goals

Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, and that require concrete actions to achieve.

  1. Behavioral vs Cognitive Objectives (Training Focus)

Action planning

The process of developing a detailed plan of action to achieve a specific goal or objective.

  1. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)

Active learning techniques

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)

Active listening

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)
  2. How can I develop my leadership practices? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  3. Which cross-cultural methods should be used in a training program to ensure success? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  4. What is transcendental leadership and how does it relate to developing a skillset? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)

Active recall

A learning technique that involves actively recalling information from memory to aid in retention and learning.

  1. Training Effectiveness vs Efficiency (Understanding Impact)


The ability to adjust and modify professional development goals as circumstances change.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)
  2. How do you evaluate training programs and courses? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  3. How does the charismatic theory of leadership influence career advancement strategies? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  4. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  5. How does Fiedler’s Cognitive Resource Theory relate to professional development goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  6. Knowledge vs Skill Training Objectives (Setting Goals)
  7. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)
  8. Which cross-cultural methods should be used in a training program to ensure success? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  9. What is the definition of employee development and how does it relate to setting professional goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  10. How do I create a comprehensive training and development syllabus that meets my needs? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Adaptability to change

The ability to adjust and respond effectively to new or changing situations, environments, or demands.

  1. What methods should I use for self-evaluation of work performance? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  2. How can I assess my own job performance? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  3. What is the definition of employee development and how does it relate to setting professional goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  4. What training methods are best for professional development goals? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  5. What are the objectives of a training program and what is their purpose? (5 Main Questions Answered)

Adaptive learning technologies

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)
  2. Training Effectiveness vs Efficiency (Understanding Impact)
  3. What technology-based training methods are available? (5 Main Questions Answered)

Adherence to ethical principles in evaluations

Ensuring that professional development goals are evaluated in a fair and ethical manner.

  1. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)

Adult learning principles

The principles and strategies that are effective in facilitating learning among adult learners, such as relevance, self-directedness, and experience-based learning.

  1. Training Transfer vs Training Retention (Achieving Outcomes)

Adult learning theory

  1. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)

Affective skills

The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

  1. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  2. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)


The process of ensuring that all aspects of a program or organization are consistent with its goals and objectives.

  1. Behavioral vs Cognitive Objectives (Training Focus)
  2. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)
  3. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)
  4. What is the definition of employee development and how does it relate to setting professional goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  5. Qualitative vs Quantitative Objectives (Setting Outcomes)
  6. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)
  7. Training Needs: Current vs Future (Strategic Evaluation)
  8. Training ROI vs ROE (Financial vs Educational)

Alignment with organizational goals and objectives

Ensuring that professional development goals are in line with the specific goals and objectives of the organization.

  1. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)

Alignment with overall organizational strategy

Ensuring that professional development goals are in line with the broader goals and objectives of the organization.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Alternative hypothesis

A statement that proposes a different explanation or prediction than the null hypothesis in a statistical test.

  1. Evaluation Design: Experimental vs Non-experimental (Research Methods)


Options or choices available to address a problem or situation.

  1. 360-degree Feedback vs Self-evaluation (Sources of Input)
  2. How can I develop my leadership practices? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  3. What is transcendental leadership and how does it relate to developing a skillset? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)

Ambitious objectives

Challenging and high-reaching goals that require significant effort and dedication to achieve.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Analysis techniques

Methods used to analyze and interpret data, such as statistical analysis or qualitative analysis.

  1. Baseline vs Follow-up Evaluation (Measurement Timing)
  2. Training Evaluation: Quantitative vs Qualitative Data (Choosing Methods)

Analytical thinking

The ability to break down complex problems or situations into smaller components in order to understand and solve them.

  1. Behavioral vs Cognitive Objectives (Training Focus)
  2. What role does cognitive resource theory play in setting and achieving professional goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)

Anchoring and adjustment heuristic

A cognitive bias where individuals rely too heavily on an initial piece of information when making decisions.

  1. 360-degree Feedback vs Self-evaluation (Sources of Input)

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

A statistical method used to compare means across multiple groups or conditions.

  1. Training Evaluation: Quantitative vs Qualitative Data (Choosing Methods)

Anterograde amnesia

  1. Training Impact: Immediate vs Delayed (Timing Effects)

Aptitude criteria

Standards or criteria used to evaluate an individual’s natural abilities or potential for learning and development.

  1. Knowledge vs Skill Training Objectives (Setting Goals)


The process of gathering and analyzing information to evaluate an individual’s knowledge, skills, or abilities.

  1. Criterion-referenced vs Norm-referenced Evaluation (Assessment Types)
  2. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)
  3. Pre-training vs Post-training Assessments (Timing Importance)
  4. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)
  5. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  6. Self-assessment vs External Evaluation (Validity in Training)
  7. What technology-based training methods are available? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  8. Training Evaluation: Pre-test vs Post-test (Assessment Methods)
  9. Objective vs Subjective Evaluation (Bias in Training)
  10. Benchmarks vs Targets in Training (Setting Standards)
  11. Training Effectiveness vs Efficiency (Understanding Impact)
  12. Continuous vs End-point Evaluation (Feedback Timing)
  13. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  14. Individual vs Group Evaluation (Assessing Performance)
  15. Behavioral vs Cognitive Objectives (Training Focus)
  16. How does one measure neuroticism on a scale? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  17. 360-degree Feedback vs Self-evaluation (Sources of Input)
  18. How do you evaluate training programs and courses? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  19. Training ROI vs ROE (Financial vs Educational)
  20. Training Needs: Current vs Future (Strategic Evaluation)
  21. What is an effective evaluation design for training programs? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  22. Custom vs Standard Evaluation Forms (Choosing Tools)
  23. Training Evaluation: Quantitative vs Qualitative Data (Choosing Methods)
  24. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)
  25. How can I assess my job performance? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  26. Training Impact: Immediate vs Delayed (Timing Effects)
  27. What approaches should be taken for employee development and growth? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  28. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  29. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)
  30. What is the self-evaluation definition, and what areas should be identified for improvement when creating a plan of action? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)
  31. Qualitative vs Quantitative Objectives (Setting Outcomes)
  32. How do criteria deficiency, relevance, and contamination affect professional development goals? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  33. Formal vs Informal Training Evaluation (Choosing Approach)
  34. How can I assess my own job performance? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  35. How can core evaluation help in setting and achieving professional success? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)
  36. Long-term vs Short-term Training Goals (Setting Objectives)

Assessment bias

The presence of systematic errors or inaccuracies in an assessment that can unfairly advantage or disadvantage certain individuals or groups.

  1. Self-assessment vs External Evaluation (Validity in Training)

Assessment criteria

Standards or criteria used to evaluate an individual’s performance or level of skill or knowledge.

  1. Custom vs Standard Evaluation Forms (Choosing Tools)
  2. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)
  3. Continuous vs End-point Evaluation (Feedback Timing)
  4. Knowledge vs Skill Training Objectives (Setting Goals)
  5. Self-assessment vs External Evaluation (Validity in Training)
  6. How do you evaluate training programs and courses? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Assessment data

Information collected through various methods to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students or educators.

  1. Learning Outcomes: Expected vs Achieved (Comparing Results)

Assessment levels

The different levels of assessment, such as formative, summative, or diagnostic, which serve different purposes in evaluating learning.

  1. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)

Assessment methods

The techniques or procedures used to gather data for an assessment, such as tests, surveys, or observations.

  1. Training Evaluation: Pre-test vs Post-test (Assessment Methods)
  2. Continuous vs End-point Evaluation (Feedback Timing)
  3. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  4. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  5. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)
  6. Pre-training vs Post-training Assessments (Timing Importance)

Assessment scores

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)

Assessment timing

The point in time when an assessment is administered, which can impact the validity and reliability of the results.

  1. Pre-training vs Post-training Assessments (Timing Importance)

Assessment tools

Instruments or methods used to evaluate an individual’s knowledge, skills, or abilities.

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)
  2. Formative vs Summative Evaluation (Distinguishing Training Outcomes)
  3. Training Effectiveness vs Efficiency (Understanding Impact)
  4. Benchmarks vs Targets in Training (Setting Standards)
  5. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  6. Knowledge vs Skill Training Objectives (Setting Goals)
  7. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)
  8. Training Evaluation: Quantitative vs Qualitative Data (Choosing Methods)
  9. Competencies vs Skills in Evaluation (Defining Outcomes)
  10. How do I create a comprehensive training and development syllabus that meets my needs? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  11. Self-assessment vs External Evaluation (Validity in Training)
  12. Formal vs Informal Training Evaluation (Choosing Approach)
  13. How does one measure neuroticism on a scale? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  14. Pre-training vs Post-training Assessments (Timing Importance)

Assessment tools and methods

  1. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)
  2. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)


The likelihood of achieving a goal or objective.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Attainable aims

Goals or objectives that are realistic and achievable.

  1. Realistic vs Stretch Objectives (Setting Goals)

Attentional processes

The cognitive mechanisms involved in selecting and focusing on specific stimuli while ignoring others.

  1. Behavioral vs Cognitive Objectives (Training Focus)

Attention maps

  1. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)

Attitude assessment

  1. Competency-based vs Task-based Objectives (Training Focus)

Attitude surveys

Surveys designed to measure people’s opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a particular topic or issue.

  1. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)

Audience engagement

  1. Content vs Delivery Evaluation (Training Components)


  1. Top-down vs Bottom-up Evaluation (Organizational Approach)

Authentic assessment

An assessment that accurately measures an individual’s skills and abilities.

  1. Performance Metrics vs Learning Metrics (Measurement in Training)
  2. Criterion-referenced vs Norm-referenced Evaluation (Assessment Types)
  3. Reaction vs Learning Evaluation (Levels of Assessment)

Availability of internal resources

The availability of resources within an organization to support professional development.

  1. In-house vs External Evaluation (Choosing Evaluators)